17 Matcha Recipes You’ll Love


17 Matcha Recipes You’ll Love


Matcha Crepes with Chocolate Ganache


Serves two people


Ingredients: ½ cup of castor sugar, three tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of cornstarch, four small whole eggs + 2 egg yolks, one teaspoon vanilla extract, ½ cup ice-cold water (or milk), ¼ teaspoon salt - all dry ingredients + a few tablespoons matcha powder for dusting the finished crepes and a 9-inch nonstick pan with a heavy bottom. ¼ cup heavy cream + finely chopped chocolate for the ganache.


Matcha Chia Seed Pudding


This is a great breakfast or snack that will energize your day.

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons chia seeds, three tablespoons honey, ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, ½ teaspoon matcha powder - all dry ingredients + 1 cup of milk.


Coconut Matcha Latte


Ingredients: 1 teaspoon matcha powder, ½ large avocado, 1 cup coconut milk (plus enough water to make 2 cups), ¼ fennel seed, ¼ spicy red pepper flake - all dry ingredients + 2 tablespoons of agave nectar. Place a metal sieve over a bowl and set it aside. Add the matcha powder to the metal sieve and whisk until the powder is in good bits. Heat your metal sieve with boiling water on medium fire over low heat for 10 seconds, and then remove it from the stovetop heat. Discard any liquid that has come into contact with the hot plate; we want to be left with as much matcha powder as possible in a sieve. Transfer the sieve to the bowl and put in the avocado and a few tablespoons of coconut milk, whisking out any lumps that appear. Add the fennel seed and add more coconut milk until a smooth paste is reached.


"Matcha green tea is a high-quality whole food drink made from finely ground tea leaves. What makes this green tea so special is that it’s rich in catechins, antioxidants that not only increase with baking and roasting but also absorb other flavors."


With every teaspoon of sugar and flour you use to make your fudge, you are taking away nutrients from your body. Not adding any refined sugar or flour will boost your brain cells and allow for better brain function.

